June 21, 2022


Today (21st. June) , being Giraffe's day, I want to celebrate Giraffes and some of the things we can learn just by observing these peaceful creatures.

Growing up, my mom would tell me to walk with my head held up high, because I have no reason to walk with it down. It took me years to actually grasp what she meant. 

It's only when I started to go on excursions and safaris that I understood her words. The first time I paid  close attention to giraffes, I felt like mother nature was telling me, 'here, this is the definition of confidence'.

Giraffes exudes confidence. They walk with their head held up high .

There's a famous mythology in Africa about how the giraffe got its long neck.

It is said that when God created all the animals, there was a giraffe called Twiga (this is the Swahili translation for Giraffe).Twiga stretched her neck to the heavens so she could be sure to hear all that God had to say. God was pleased ,so Twiga got an even longer neck. With that, Twiga could reach the leaves on the branches where the other animals could not, and so she could easily hear his word. The rest of the animal kingdom got to learn that putting extra  effort brings extra rewards.

African shamans believes giraffes to be messengers of God.

The Arabic name of giraffe is, 'Zerafa', which is translated as ,'Charming or the Lovely One'.      In Botswana, they call the giraffe, 'Thutlhwa', which means the Honored One.

The sad reality is that these charming and honored animals are losing number in population because of poaching. 

There are nine subspecies across Africa. Six of them have decreased because of being killed by poachers. Three of the subspecies are found in Kenya,: The Reticulated Giraffe, Rothschild and the Maasai Giraffe. 

Their long neck allows them to see far. We should learn to see far and beyond. Pretty much, we should be visionaries.

The giraffe might be an animal, but just by observing it, we can learn to embrace or uniqueness, to be visionaries and to walk with confidence and pride.

Repeat after me, ''I walk with my head held up high, because I have no reason to walk with it down''. ..and you know what? Learn to forgive yourself as well.

I'm so grateful for these beautiful ,charming and 'The Honored One' animals. 

Happy World's Giraffes' Day.

My friend, Sergio at Giraffe Centre, Nairobi, Kenya.


You can book a safari with us to Kenya/Tanzania to experience adventure in the wilderness. Just say that Mimo directed you.

Cll/Whatsapp: +254 722 917 288

Email: info@benciaafricaadventure.com


Website: www.benciaafricaadventure.com

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