June 23, 2022


Ever heard of the Great Wildebeest Migration? Yes?-No? 

It's one of the eight wonders of the world.

More than 1.5 million wildebeest migrate from Serengeti National park in Tanzania to Maasai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya. 

Although, its known as the Great wildebeest migration, wildebeest aren't the only animals that take part in the great migration.

Around 300,000 Zebras, Impalas, Grant's gazelles, Thompson gazelles and Elands, take part in the migration.

The Great Wildebeest Migration

Wildebeests crossing the Mara River

An Up-close Image Of A Wildebeest

Grant's Gazelle

Thompson Gazelles


So why do these animals migrate? They migrate in search for food and water. 

I've always wondered how these animals knew when to migrate. Come to think of it, they don't have a calendar nor do they have a clue on how to read. 

So how on earth do they join the dots? 

I had my A-ha! moment years ago.

They follow the rainfall.  I know this even sound more complicated, because we're talking about animals.

It is said that wildebeest can smell the air from thousands of kilometers away.  The animals see storms on the horizon and move towards them, knowing that the grass they eat grows after the rain.

While migrating from Serengeti (Tanzania)to Maasai Mara (Kenya), they cross The Mara river, where the crocodiles have a feast out from the migration. 

Lions, leopards and cheetahs don't get left, either.  They ,too, wait for the millions of wildebeest, zebras and gazelles .

It is estimated that around 250,000 of these animals gets killed during the migration.

Surely! I can't be the only one who think that the Great Wildebeest migration should be called . 'The Greatest Show'?   

It's like that one of the year where you get to have a family vacation, together with your family friends and not being sure if you'll ever see them again.

That's just me, being human thinks. Do animals ever think of it like that? I mean these are the same animals that will know when to travel.

But then again, there's a reason why they are called ,'Wild Animals' and mother nature, have a way of letting nature takes its course. 


A Crocodile Trying To Kill A Wildebeest While Crossing The Mara River.

 You can book a safari with us to Kenya/Tanzania to experience adventure in the wilderness. Just say that Mimo directed you.

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