June 20, 2022



Now that you are here, buckle up because this is not going to be a typical travel blog.

I came across a quote that actually made me smirk. It said, '' A person who does not travel, ends up marrying their neighbor''. Uh-oh! It's not that I'm complaining about my neighbors! ( Wait!-am I?).  I just wish my neighbor was Brad Pitt or David Beckham,or both. 

Hold up! my name is not Ben, but yes, this is going to be all about Adventure with Bencia. A tour firm based in Nairobi, Kenya that loves to give people adrenaline and give the true definition of Y.O.L.O. (You Only Live Once). 

This is a home. We're going to have so much adventure and talk about anything and everything on travel and how travelling can change a person. There was a time I even went vegan (for two weeks) for just being in drawn towards animals. That's a story for another day,though. 

Memories comes in different forms, the smell of a person can remind you of someone. But you know what else can be a catalyst for memories? Travelling. It can be with your family,loved ones or if you're daring enough-travelling by yourself.

Safari in the Swahili language means.'journey'..and this is what this blog will be about. The good ,better and best. You thought I was going to say,the ,'ugly',huh?

The only ugly you're going to get here is my cry when I won't have to travel because my dream of having Brad Pitt as my neighbor has become a reality.

 There's a famous African saying that says,''The eye never forgets what the heart has seen''.

Safaris are magical. You get to experience the taste of being in an animal kingdom. How the giraffe gets to catwalk with its long neck being like a model, and the lion,being a Big cat not understanding how the giraffe mastered the art of cat walking.

Mother Africa is calling you to have a taste first hand to experience adventure in the wilderness.

1 comment:

  1. Interesting read. I can't wait for more.



One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of w...