June 28, 2022


The first time I heard a clan of hyenas 'laugh', it made me laugh. I laughed because of their laughter . It was hilarious but got me confused at the same and they made me feel like I was in a comedy show.  I was a child-around 6 years old.

 To this day, I'd say that  hyena's laughing sound is pure comic gold'.

There are 4 types of hyenas: Spotted, Stripped, Brown and Aardwolf Hyenas.

Did you know that it's the Spotted hyena makes the laughing sound?

Spotted Hyena

Well, hyenas don't actually laugh. It is a sound they make when they are either excited, frustrated or in fear while confronted by their rivals, like the lions.

Wait! You thought they actually laugh?  Imagine being confronted by a lion, and you're like, ''Let us make wedding vows. Till death do us apart. Ha!ha!ha!''

If you don't want to imagine, hyenas wouldn't either.

I tried to imagine what if humans were like that every time they got frustrated. I think most parents with teenagers would have their stomach and cheeks  hurt from frustration, or should I say laughter

The spotted hyena are also called, 'The Laughing Hyena' and are found in East Africa and Southern Africa. 

Talk about spotted hyenas understanding chess. In chess, the queen is the most powerful piece. They take the phrase, 'My Lady' to another whole level.

Among the spotted hyenas, females are physically powerful than men. 

They are also top in terms of hierarchy and does most of the hunting.

They are the largest types of hyenas, have a good eyesight and hearing at night and can run fast .

They are scattered in Africa.

One of the places where you can find them is at Maasai Mara National Reserve (Kenya).

Although, most people believe that hyenas are just scavengers,  they are actually hunters. 

Spotted hyenas hunt in groups and can take down a wildebeest.  

Stripped Hyena

The Striped hyena are smaller than spotted hyenas.

 They have stripes unlike their cousins, the spotted hyenas'. 

They are found in Northern Africa, Middle East and India. They are also nocturnal, meaning they see better during the night.

Brown Hyena

Brown Hyenas are also called, 'Strandwolf'.

They are the rarest types of hyenas and smallest  compared to the Spotted hyenas. 

They are fluffy. Let's just say, I had thought of petting a brown hyena just because it's fluffy.

Aardwolf Hyena

The Aardwolf is perhaps the most interesting.

It is the least-looking of the hyenas and commonly found in Southern and Eastern Africa. 
What fascinates me is that unlike the other types of hyenas, is that Aardwolves are insectivorous mammals and eats mostly termites.

Unlike other anteaters, Aardwolves don't dig because they don't have long claws, but rather, they lick using their long sticky tongue. 

You can book a safari with us to Kenya/Tanzania to experience adventure in the wilderness. Just say that Mimo directed you.

Cll/Whatsapp: +254 722 917 288

Email: info@benciaafricaadventure.com


Website: www.benciaafricaadventure.com

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