August 30, 2022


Safari, in the Swahili language is translated as, 'journey' . 

It's one of those Swahili words that is popular globally, even if one cannot speak the language.

So, you might be reading this and be like, 'Do I really need a safari?'

The answer is yes! yes! and yes!

I personally grew up in the city, my entire life have circled around the city. There are similarities in cities around the world , despite having different cultures. 

You know how this goes-the city is most of the time congested. There is joke among  my friends that we say about Nairobi city. 'Instead of crossing vehicles, you have to watch out for humans'. That is true about Nairobi, especially during rush hour (4 PM-6 PM). 

Anyway, wouldn't be amazing to have an actual adventure in Africa-especially, that which will make your adrenaline rush.  



  •  You deserve a safari. You really deserve to relax outside your busy schedule .
  •  Adventure - Let's break the rules a little bit. They say that good things happens to those that wait. But why wait to have adventure?  COVID taught me that  if you have the chance to live in the moment, live in it without an apology.

Our client from Russia on 6 days safari in Kenya, and he got to learn the cultural dance of the Maasai people.

  • To bond as a family, friend or make new friends. Moreover, you can use this chance to create new memories.
Our clients from Spain ready to start their 8 days safari in Kenya

  •  You know of National Geography ,right?  They have millions if not billions of fans globally. One of the documentaries that they focus on is wild animals and their nature, especially , when they are hunting. So, imagine seeing  a ,'kill' in person instead of on TV!

                                  A roaring lion taken at Maasai Mara National Reserve

  •  It's magical. I think even the word, 'magical' is underrated.  Imagine seeing the sunrise , breathing the air from Mama Africa's nostrils, your feet touching Africa's soil while you feel like you are being re-birthed.

Short Safari Story

"Once upon a vacation,they booked a Safari with Bencia Africa Adventure And Safaris'

'Yaaay!, Look at me,I saw Africa's Big 5 in Kenya, courtesy of Bencia.'

'It was supposed to be a private Safari but we had to let the experience be public'

'Here , away in the city, is what I needed!'

'So, this is what's like to experience Adventure in the wilderness with Bencia!'

(A summary of how it went down)


Finally, you've booked your a safari and you can't wait to have your soul snatched by nature.

There are things that tour operators recommend :

  • Binoculars-On safaris,  it's possible to see a lion walk right beside the safari vehicles, that include other animals as well. However, you might need binoculars to see other animals that might be afar.

  • Insect repellent-- An insect repellent with ,'Deet' is the most effective. 

  • Camera- You want to make memories, either with a phone for pictures and videos or an actual camera.

  • Both warm and hot clothing- Sure, you're into the wild and its typically expected to be hot. Sometimes, it can be hot during the day and cold at night,,or vice versa.

  • Toiletries- Do not forget your toothbrush, hairbrush and a toothpaste. Some hotels provide toothpaste, but it is recommended to carry yours, us in case.

  • Sunscreen, sunglasses and sunblock hat-This  will be effective for your skin protection against the sun or UV rays.

  • Your smile-Just because you're set to start a safari into the wild, it does not mean that you have to enter the wild without it.  It's a trip and not a frown competition.

Book with us to experience adventure in the wilderness:

Call/Whatsapp :+254 722 917 288




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One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of w...