August 24, 2022



Starting this blog post with the roar of a lion would set the mood soaring.

Lions are part of the Big 5 in Africa. 

Back to the King of the jungle.
When I was growing up, we used to use lions as a symbolism for bravery. In school, we would write,'As brave as a lion'.
In fact, in Africa, that's what they symbolize. Bravery!

Ever wondered why lions are called king of the jungle but they are not the biggest?

As a matter of fact, why aren't elephants not called King of the jungle or better yet, giraffe or Rhino ?
From lions, one can tell that  might does not lie in the size or physical strength but the guts to go for something. That's bravery.

Bravery does not mean that you do not have any fear, it simply mean that, you don't have to bow down to fear.

Lions are motivational beings to humans. Who needs motivational books when you have lions? That's a bad joke. Ha!ha!


Male Lion and a Lioness


*Their roar can be heard  up-to 8 kilometers or 5 miles away.

* Lions can live between 14-20 years.

* They can eat up-to 6 kilos a day.

* Male lions can grow up to 10 feet in length and weigh up to 330-550 pounds (150-250 kilos), while female lions can grow to a length of 9 feet and weigh up to 390 pounds (120-180 kilos).

  Talk about having a definition of, 'A Big Cat'!

* Female lions/lioness choose a mate based on how long dark the mane of a male lions is. 

* Lioness raise cubs together.

*Lion cubs are vocal at birth,but will not begin to roar until about one year old.

* Lions do not live in the jungle buy in the Savannah. I know it contradicts the title,'King of the Jungle',,but the reality is that they really don't love in the jungle.

* They are nocturnal. They have a clear vision at night.

* They rub heads with each other as a sign of leaving, 'family scent'. or to say greet each other.

* In the Swahili language, Lion i
s translated as, 'Simba'.- You have probably watched Disney's animation called, 'The Lion King'. One of the man characters is,'Simba', who is a lion. I know, what are the odds!

* Lions live in groups called, 'Pride'. The pride can be up-to 30 members.

*Gestation period is 110 days and give birth to either one to six cubs at once.


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