July 06, 2022


                             GAME DRIVE

I don't even know where to start. . The experience was phenomenal.

As the word suggest, 'Game Drive'...your driver drives you around the reserve to see wild animals in their natural habitat.

This is different, because animals won't care less about you. It's like a reality tv show, just that these animals can't read a script so we get everything unedited.
Kindly note, never get out of the vehicle. You travelled to get experience adventure in the wilderness, not to be a snack in the wilderness. 

I had to imagine what's like for tourists when they visit Maasai Mara for the first time. 
For Maasai Mara, as a tour consultant and a local tourist who have been to Maasai Mara countless times, I'd recommend not less than 3 days.
In 3 days, you can see a lot of animals compared to 1 or 2 days in Maasai Mara. 

That reminds me of  the slogan in Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris, 'Experience adventure in the wilderness''.

You know what I've always dreamed of while being in the wild? Being chased by a cheetah because that would be a free gym session. Kidding!
I've always dreamed of cheetahs getting in the vehicle that I'm in ,while on safari and take selfies with. Of course, this has to be in another world.

Anyway, while on game drive at Maasai Mara, I got see: Giraffes, Lions, Hyenas,  different species of vultures, Zebras, Elephants ,Buffaloes, Warthogs, Cheetahs, Wildebeests, Hyena, Black-backed jackal, Ostrich, gazelles (Grant's , Thomson) ,Antelopes (Topi).

I have written blog posts on giraffes and Wildebeest. You might want to read them.


Yes, I most definitely took photos and videos of most of them. Including the part where I called a lion and cheetahs like how I would a house cat. I was hoping they'd look in direction and get a clear picture of them. No worries! I was inside the vehicle.


                  and a fun fact about them.


Giraffes can stand up an hour after being born.
How mind blowing is that! I'm trying to imagine how would be like if human babies behaved like that. I don't even want to go there.



Topi communicate through whistles. barks, bleats, grunts and moos. These acoustic indicate alarm calls, warnings or greetings.



To keep themselves cool, vultures urinate on their legs. Surprisingly, this kills parasites or bacteria and helps to keep them healthy.
More reasons why I love being a human being.

Their stripes are like human's fingure prints. They are all unique from each other.

Spotted Hyena

They actually laugh when they see their rival, like the lion or when they are frustrated and excited when they've made a kill or found a meat to feed on.
I wish I could laugh while frustrated. 


Every year, more than 1.5 millions wildebeests migrate from Serengeti (Tanzania) to Maasai Mara.  (Kenya). 

We were lucky to experience it and it is still on going all the way to While we're on this, you might want come see it.  Contact our offices : +254 722 917 288 ( Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris).

They mourn when one of them dies.


 Herds of gazelles have no leaders. Groups change so often and animals pass through all the time, there's no time for a dominating leader to come to power.


They have a good relationship with Oxpeckers (type of a bird). The Oxpeckers eats insects off the buffalo and will also warn the buffalo of approaching danger.


 Male Ostriches have black feathers, whereas female ones have grey feathers. Because of their differences in colors, male ostriches lay on the egg at night and female at night. Their feathers acts as camouflaged to protect their soon-to-be child.

At night, because the males' feathers is black, it blends in. At daytime, because the female's feathers are grey, it blends in with the environment.

Male Ostrich becomes more colorful during courtship.  If ostriches are not settling for less, why should I?

Maasai Male Ostrich

Black-backed Jackal

They do everything in pairs. Including hunting, eating and sleeping together.

Lioness find a lion's manes attractive. The darker and longer the manes are, the more attractive they are.
I think I was a lioness in my past life.

We nicknamed this lioness ,'Nala', inspired by the Lion King animation.

They don't roar, they meow or purr. 

Their eyes are inbuilt sunglasses. 

 Cheetahs wondering why these humans travelled to Maasai Mara to see them.

You can book a safari with us to Kenya/Tanzania to experience adventure in the wilderness. Just say that Mimo directed you.

Cll/Whatsapp: +254 722 917 288

Email: info@benciaafricaadventure.com


Website: www.benciaafricaadventure.com

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One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of w...