December 22, 2022


A lot of things has been said and imagined of what Africa is like. 

As an African, I have gotten interesting questions like,' Is Wakanda real?'

Or one of my favourite, 'Do you live with lions?'

On a good day, I would say, 'I have one as my housemate'.

I normally laugh later with them.

Sure, we have beautiful wildlife but we do not share a house with them..but what if we do?                                                                                       

If I write about everything, it would be like you have already travelled. But we want your feet and eyes to have a first-hand experience of what Africa is like.

The smile on our clients' faces when they see the wild is always satisfying to us as a company and as a tour operator.

From the photo, we have tour vehicles. We have both tour vans and land cruisers which have a pop-up roof for photography and game-viewing. 

Africa is the cradle of mankind.

People travel far and wide to experience safari , but there are beaches in Africa as well and the city life is truly alive.

Africa is a continent, with 54 countries, thousands of tribes and languages. Each country is beautifully unique and has different touristic sites.  

Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris, creates safaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and also creates beach holidays to Zanzibar and Mombasa/Diani.

While in Kenya, you can pretty experience it all. Safari in the wilderness, beach and city nightlife. How interesting is that!

It is like city life meets the ocean, or the ocean meets the desert. Or better yet, the city meets the desert and the ocean.

Things that are complete opposite but yet so similar in terms of adventure.       

That is how diverse the motherland is. 

...and safaris in Africa is truly an adventure.

Do you know that safari in the swahili language is translated as ,'journey'.

Every person should at least experience an African safari.

Safaris are the exact opposite of seeing animals in zoos.

At zoos, animals live their lives in somewhat appears like scripted.

..and in as much as humans 'take care' of them, their wild instincts will always desire to be in their natural home.

On the flip side, zoos also provide an opportunity for those who have never seen certain animals or who can be found outside their country. 

In a safari,however, you get to see how animals live their lives without human supervision.

You get to see them hunt and how they interact with each other-which can be pure action.

For example, you might see a lion hunting a buffalo or a lion having a fight with a leopard.

..and of course there is no cage, so you get to see it live.

From the clip, you can see animals interacting with tourists

However, they have a professional tour guide.

But, the spot is free of wild animals .

That is how diverse parks and reserves are.

On top of that, you will see numerous animals and different bird species as well.

Hold up! I know you're probably thinking if that is safe.

Yes, that is very long as you will be inside the vehicle. 



For bookings and queries:
Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue

December 16, 2022

As the year is coming to an end, Bencia Africa Adventure And Safaris have the perfect way to end the year in style. You cam also usher in the new year.
Better yet, you can spend the holidays in the wild with the animal kingdom.

You would be surprised how the animal kingdom have in common with humans.
No! , as a tour operator, I can guarantee you that, animals cannot sing christmas medley.
I am trying to picture lions and their meals like the antelopes coming together to sing a christmas medley. 

Did you know of the wildebeest migration?
It happens every year at the very exact spots.
Wildebeest migrate from  Serengeti National Park in Tanzania to Masai Mara National Park in Kenya.
While crossing, they will cross the Mara River.

How amazing is that!

Here is the entire blog post post here:

If the wild can recognise patterns of when the ends , it is pretty much intriguing. 

We have an offer where you will not have an excuse to not experience an African safari and the wild unleashing their wild instincts.

Come one,,come all!

Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue

December 06, 2022


David sheldrick Elephant orphanage is located in Nairobi, Kenya.

It was founded in 1977 Daphne Sheldrick in memory of her late husband, David Sheldrick , who was a famous naturalist  in Tsavo East National park.

During their lives together, Daphne and David Sheldrick raised and successfully rehabilitated  many wild species.

After David's death, Daphne and their family lived and worked in Nairobi National Park where they built the David Sheldrick Wildlife Trust  and its pioneering orphans' project into the global force for wildlife conservation that is today.

They took in orphaned baby elephants and took care of them till they were old enough and then they got retubed into the wild.

Some of the reasons why the Baby elephants are orphaned is :

  • Their Mom died by either hunger or being killed by poachers because of their tusks. Their calf in this situation is normally on the verge of death because of hunger and not being able to breastfeed.
  • Their mom left them. There has been situation where the mom left their calf because of perhaps a deformity or sickness. In baby elephant sheldrick , there is a calf that was left by his mom because of seizures. But he was taken to baby sheldrick and got medical assistance.
  • Other calves are brought to the shedrick from the wild for medical purposes. 
When they become adults, they get released into the wild.

While at the orphanage, they are brought up in a way that prepares them to go back into the wild.

At baby shedrick, tourists are advised to not feed the elephants.

Baby Elephants playing with their keepers

This is because, if you feed the baby elephants:

  • They will be dependant of humans to feed them, they will trust humans.  
  •  The population of elephants have immensely decreased for the last decade because of being poached for their tusks.  
Not every humans have good intentions. Humans are the one that kill them because of their tusks.

Fun facts About Elephant Calves (Baby Elephants)

  • They do not know how to use their trunks until they are between 6 to 8 months.  
  • They can weigh around 91 kilos or 200 lbs and stand about 3 feet tall  or 1 metres tall 
  • 99% of elephant babies are born at night. Elephants gives birth at night because it allows them to do in a peaceful and calm environment.  
  •  They drink 3 gallons of milk everyday
  • Gestation of a baby elephant takes between 18-22 months. 
  • They are born with a fully developed brain (Remember their gestation period is long).

Baby elephants are adorable. I am still holding on onto my dream of having a baby elephant at my place. But, that is more of a fantasy. 
My colleagues still make fun of me at the thought of  sharing my place with a baby elephant.

Because of COVID measures, one needs to confirm that there is a slot before visiting  David Sheldrick Elephant orphanage.

There is also an alternative of a tour company,like ourselves (Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris) to book and confirm a slot for you. 

The David Sheldrick elephant orphanage is a great visit while you are in Nairobi.

You can visit it a day before your safari  as an 'appetizer' what the actual safari has instore for you.

Besides, this is your opportunity to see baby elephants up close and perhaps even touch them.

Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue

November 25, 2022


Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris have been in existence for 17 years as of 2022.

All through the years, we have made dreams of thousands of clients come into a reality.Tripadvisor is our witness.

We, as the staff have made memories. As each year passes, so as the marks of footprints goes deeper into our clients' hearts and our heats.

We do not take it for granted when people trusts us with their holiday.

As a company, we understand the role of team work and recognise our professional drivers and tour guides- which also include translators.

On the right is one of our Spanish translators,wearing a cape, is Peter and on the left, tour driver is called, Philip.

The photo was taken in Maasai Mara National park. Those are the skulls of buffaloes and hippopotamus. Chances are, they were hunted ,and so what remains is their skulls.

Our clients that booked with us for a couples' getaway. They seem to be loving the adventure so much that they have smiles in our branded tshirts .

In the middle is our professional driver and guide , Ken.

Another couple with matching tshirts .

..and yes, they see Africa's Big 5!

On the right with a white t-shirt is our Spanish translator, Godfrey and on the left, our driver,George.

Fun fact: The driver George can speak German.

With smiles and our branded tshirts are our clients from Spain.

Enjoying a picnic lunch inside Maasai Mara National Park.

A perfect shot for a perfect view. The smile, excitement, the hills in the background and how green and calm nature seems to be in sync with her.

 It was the first time for both of them to be that up close and even feed a giraffe.

Have you ever fed a giraffe? Do you know the colour and texture of a giraffe's tongue?

I will let you visit Giraffe's Centre and experience this in person.

Our professional French translator and guide with tourists who spent their honeymoon. in Kenya.

This is a snippet of a moment captured while on a safari with Bencia Africa Africa Adventure and Safaris.

   We also cater to local tourists. This was a group joining safari and new friendships were created.

Imagine years from now, when they share how they spent their honeymoon, all they will need to show is this picture.

Even the king of the jungle approve of their love story.

We got part to be part this year of Magical Kenya.

Magical Kenya is a major annual corporate event that gives a chance to those in the tourism and hospitality industry.  


                   He travelled all by himself from Russia to Kenya.

Maasai jump high as they chant to attract brides. The higher a man jumps, the more attractive he looks.

Maasai tribe is full of culture.


   We also cater to local tourists. This was a group joining safari and new friendships were created.

An entire family that took a vacation to Kenya. 

   Our director in the one with the black suit

We are always eager to be consulted if you are not sure where to visit while in Kenya or Tanzania. 

Our offices are always open  to all of you.

She is incharge of the reservation department and marketing. 

These are some of the 2022 highlights.

As Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris , we offer holidays despite of your budget .

We offer budget , midrange and luxury.

It does not matter if you desire to travel alone, with friends or family, adventure will not limited.

So, what are you waiting for? Book with us and experience adventure in the wilderness.   

Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue


November 23, 2022


Yes! There is a famous park in  Kenya called , 'Hell's Gate'.

When I tell my friends about Hell's Gate, they normally squint their eyes with confusion.
It is understandable because of the word  'Hell'.

Hell's Gate National Park got its name after a narrow break in the cliffs. Once a tributary of a prehistoric lake that fed early humans in the Rift Valley.

Hell's Gate is also ideal for mountain climbers.
But even if you are not, adrenaline rush can be found in other activities while at Hell's Gate. 

While at Hell's Gate, there is an option of cycling while your safari vehicle is following you.
The real adventure is that Hell's Gate is a park, which means there are wild animals there.

Relax!- there are no big cats or elephants. I know, for a moment you probably thought that that why would people travel far and wide to risk their lives like that?

Cycling at Hell's Gate National Park will give you an illusion of somewhat close to Paradise.
Imagine this:
You are in an open place, you can see how green the grass on the sideroad is, the rocks besides you look like it is giving you a standing ovation, as the dust of the Africa ground swirls at the wheels of the bicycle. 


Inside Hell's Gate National Park, there is a place called Ol Jorowa Gorge.

The gorge runs through the heart of the park, is a deep valley sheared by rusty-hued rock walls.  

Ever heard of a saying that says, 'I wish the earth would swallow me alive'.

What if the suppose got the inspiration from being inside the gorge.
It can feel like one is  swallowed by the earth.

Fun fact about the Gorge is that it inspired the famous animation : Lion King.

Have you read our previous blog post of client who spent their honeymoon in Kenya and they got the inspiration from Lion King?
Here is the link :

Inside Hell's Gate National park, there is a volcanic column tower called, Fischer's tower and it is 25 metres high.

It is called Fischer because it was named after a German explorer called, 'Gustav Fischer'. 

Fischer's tower is famous for rock climbing-to get that adrenaline rush. 

If you want a day off with friends or family , to enjoy nature in its raw form or you just want to rock climb, Hell's Gate will quench that thirst.

Book with us to experience adventure in the wilderness, in either Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda,and have unlimited adventure in the wild.
We also create beach holidays in Zanzibar and Mombasa/Diani
Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue


November 21, 2022


Working in Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris has been magical and very adventurous, even for me as a tour operator.  
Being a tour company, as a staff, we speak multiple languages and I have to admit, our clients do find it surprising. 

More than once, I have picked up clients from the airport and when I switch to their native language, their eyes always seems to glow with surprise.
Imagine travelling thousands of miles, Suppose you have spent an entire year working and they want to get away from everything and just relax, only to be greeted by a local who is reminding them of their environment!

My colleagues and I have this joke, that guests can feel like they are at home away from home. But suppose that is exactly what they did not want? Suppose they have spent an entire year working and they want to get away from everything and just relax, only to be greeted by a local who is reminding them of their environment!

I want to share with you on one of the most thrilling adventure I ever went. It was so thrilling, that it felt like a road trip with friends. 
Then again, working in a travel agency should be fun with lots of,  "Whoa!"-moments.

It was their first time in Kenya and they chose Kenya as their destination for honeymoon. 

They spent 7 days in Kenya. 

This was taken at Maasai Mara National Reserve.

Fun fact about male lions is that they get chosen by lioness as a partner based on how dark and long the mane is.

Male lions can weigh between 160-260 kilos. and in length, they can grow upto 10 feet (3 metres) and have a 2 to 3 (60 to 91 centimetres) tail.  

The first time I saw a male lion , I was younger and it was during a school trip.  It was so huge, that I thought it is the same size like that of a cow. The adult me, I would day,  that the male lion is almost the same size to a small car. Yes! That is how huge lion is.
It is different seeing the wild in a zoo than to see him in his natural habit. It is more like watching a reality show but without directors.

                            This was at Amboseli National Park.

We had so much fun together that 5 of the 6 nights during the safari, we slept at 11 pm.
At this point and time, we would talk about life as we joke around under the starry night-sky. 

Just a sneak peak of the lodge we slept in
Amboseli National Park is known as the home of African Elephant and the word , 'Amboseli' is a Maasai word that means, 'salty dust'

From Amboseli, you can view Mt.Kilimanjaro-the highest mountain in Africa.  

                                        Lake Naivasha

         ...before boarding the boat, we decided to record ,'The Moment'

                                        Boat riding at Lake Naivasha

Lake Naivasha is rich in bird wildlife/sanctuary.
We got to boat-ride as our guests enjoyed bird wildlife. 

                        This was Lake Nakuru National park.  

During a game drive in this park, there is 99% chance of seeing a rhino.
Do you  know that there 2 types of rhinos? : black and white rhinos.
Black rhinos has the tips of its horn  pointed and it feeds of leaves.
White rhinos has a flat-chisel horn and it feeds on grass.

Despite being called black and white rhino, they are both dark-grey in colour.

The safari started in Nairobi and it ended in Nairobi, but our friendship did not end there.
Eunate and Jose, enjoyed every bit of the safari that they took a part of them with tem.
No-seriously, they literally took a part of the adventure with them.

Both of them grew up the famous animated cartoon, 'Lion King' .
Simba is one of the main characters in the animation and the name means, 'Lion' .
In the animation, there is also ,'rafiki', which is translated as ,'friend' and there is also ,'Pumba', which is translated as ,'warthog' in the Swahili language.

With all these facts and adventure, the couple who came for their honeymoon in Kenya, fell in love with Kenya so much that they decided to tattoo their experience.

Hakuna Matata is used in the animation Lion King often and in the Swahili language, it means, 'There is no problem'.

You too can experience adventure in the wilderness.

Book with us to experience adventure in the wilderness, in either Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda,and have unlimited adventure in the wild.
We also create beach holidays in Zanzibar and Mombasa/Diani
Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue

September 08, 2022


One of the reasons I enjoy about my job is seeing the smiles of foreigners when they visit the Motherland.

We do not see clients as just clients.but adventurous souls who wants to quench their thirst for adventure.

They came from Spain to Kenya,Africa and Africa stretched out her arms to them. They felt like home away from home.

Mama Africa held them tight,like how a mother would held her long lost child.

Seeing tourists made me see vacation from a different point of view. It's tasting food outside your norm, meeting different people with different culture, different languages and music.

In Safari, however, its just magical because you get to see the animal kingdom. But you don't get to bow down to the king like, 'Hail,King Lion!'- I'm just kidding. You'll be a snack before you get to say the second word.

In addition to culture and languages, while on a safari, you'll get to see nature take its course. The wild unfolding right before you, but still feel at peace. the sunrise when you wake up in the morning and the sunset when you reflect on how your day has been. And the starry night-sky when you kiss the night goodnight,leaving you breathless because you never want a day to end while on a safari.


Most National Geographic documentaries about the wild are filmed in Kenya and Tanzania.

1. Maasai Mara National Reserve

 I confess that I've been to numerous safaris but a safari in Maasai Mara, is my favorite. I love Mara. As a tour consultant and as a traveler,I fully understand why people travel far and wide just to have a safari in Maasai Mara, Kenya.

2. Amboseli National Park

The name, 'Amboseli' comes from a Maasai word that means ,' Salty dust'.
Amboseli is one of the popular parks and it is known as ,'Home of African Elephants'.-This is because you can see elephants up-close. 

It is also the foot of the snow capped Mt. Kilimanjaro.

                 A closeup look of a herd of Elephants

3. Lake Nakuru National Park

Although Lake Nakuru is primarily a bird sanctuary (Expect to see different species of flamingos), there are considerable number of animals to be encountered , such as many  game animals such as zebras, elephants and gazelles. This is one of our best chances of seeing rhinos.
Lake Nakuru national park was the first place in Kenya to be selected as a rhino reserve.

A Rhino and her calf taken at Lake Nakuru National Park

4.  Samburu National Reserve

Home to the rare Northern special 5 species (Grevy zebras, Somali ostrich, reticulated Giraffe, Gerenruk and Beisa Orynx.

 5. Tsavo National Park

There is Tsavo East  and Tsavo west National Park.
They are different park and the distance between Tsavo West and Tsavo East National park is 146km by road.

Tsavo West is slightly larger than Tsavo East.  
Tsavo East is considered ideal for mountain climbing.

In both, there are lions, elephants, buffaloes, leopards, zebras, antelopes, hippos, 

Tsavo East National Park

Tsavo West National Park

Other parks include : 
Nairobi National Park-It is located in the Capital of Kenya (Nairobi). 
How amazing is it to have a park that is in the city!

Hell's Gate National Park- This is located in Naivasha. Perhaps what fascinates me about Hell's gate is cycling inside the park. Relax!-there are no big cats in the park but it's safe enough to cycle.  

We work as a team to help you create new memories.
Book with us and see the magic of Africa unfolding right in-front of your eyes
Call/WhatsApp : +254 722 917 888
Email :


One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of w...