February 27, 2023


One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of wild animals, birds and their characteristics.
Cheetahs appreciating the visitation of 'Hoomans'

I have this thing where I name big cats when we spot them while in the wild.
Yes, even for me whose professional is in the tourism industry, every time I am at the wild, it always feels like the first time.
Even while at the wild, experience is not really duplicated as it gets to become more adventurous, which in return might give you an adrenaline rush.
15 Tourists from Romania trusted us with their memories
Just because you saw a kill  in a certain exact spot, it does not mean you will the same exact kill by the same animal in the same spot ..to both the prey and the hunter.
Now that I am thinking of it out loud, imagine how wildly that would be. It would literally be deja vu.

Every human must at least experience an African safari at least once in their lifetime. 

Picnic Lunch in Masai Mara National Reserve

Imagine having a sneak peak of how the wild lives.
Sure, you at least have an ideology of how humans live, because you are one of them and live among them.
We are surrounded by buildings,  cars, oh my! talk about traffic and air and noise pollution. 
Let us not even start to talk about human population and pet peeves.

But in the wild, it is the exact opposite.
Yes, there is no traffic, tall buildings, definitely no air or noise pollution and you will not bump to people on you way to run your errands.
Besides! Who even run errands in the wild? Unless,they are a literally part of the Animal Kingdom.
But that is just the beauty and diversity of the Animal Kingdom.
King of the Jungle appreciating the visitation
Instead of noise pollution from people and air pollution from either loud music or car exhumes ,,you `get listen to the roar of the King of  the Jungle,Lion,,hyenas 'laughing' (they don't really laugh, it is a sound they produce either when they are excited or scared).
Seeing the sun rise and sun set in the open night sky and early in the morning.
The starry night in the wild shines the brightest compared to the city. 

In the morning, you get greeted by the chirping of birds, the dew on the grass in savanna and the breeze caressing your skin as you breathe, 'Adventure'.
 Who wouldn't want that? 

You too can experience adventure in the wilderness.

Book with us to experience adventure in the wilderness, in either Kenya, Tanzania or Uganda,and have unlimited adventure in the wild.
We also create beach holidays in Zanzibar and Mombasa/Diani
Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954
Email: info@benciaafricaadventure.com

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue


December 22, 2022


A lot of things has been said and imagined of what Africa is like. 

As an African, I have gotten interesting questions like,' Is Wakanda real?'

Or one of my favourite, 'Do you live with lions?'

On a good day, I would say, 'I have one as my housemate'.

I normally laugh later with them.

Sure, we have beautiful wildlife but we do not share a house with them..but what if we do?                                                                                       

If I write about everything, it would be like you have already travelled. But we want your feet and eyes to have a first-hand experience of what Africa is like.

The smile on our clients' faces when they see the wild is always satisfying to us as a company and as a tour operator.

From the photo, we have tour vehicles. We have both tour vans and land cruisers which have a pop-up roof for photography and game-viewing. 

Africa is the cradle of mankind.

People travel far and wide to experience safari , but there are beaches in Africa as well and the city life is truly alive.

Africa is a continent, with 54 countries, thousands of tribes and languages. Each country is beautifully unique and has different touristic sites.  

Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris, creates safaris in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda and also creates beach holidays to Zanzibar and Mombasa/Diani.

While in Kenya, you can pretty experience it all. Safari in the wilderness, beach and city nightlife. How interesting is that!

It is like city life meets the ocean, or the ocean meets the desert. Or better yet, the city meets the desert and the ocean.

Things that are complete opposite but yet so similar in terms of adventure.       

That is how diverse the motherland is. 

...and safaris in Africa is truly an adventure.

Do you know that safari in the swahili language is translated as ,'journey'.

Every person should at least experience an African safari.

Safaris are the exact opposite of seeing animals in zoos.

At zoos, animals live their lives in somewhat appears like scripted.

..and in as much as humans 'take care' of them, their wild instincts will always desire to be in their natural home.

On the flip side, zoos also provide an opportunity for those who have never seen certain animals or who can be found outside their country. 

In a safari,however, you get to see how animals live their lives without human supervision.

You get to see them hunt and how they interact with each other-which can be pure action.

For example, you might see a lion hunting a buffalo or a lion having a fight with a leopard.

..and of course there is no cage, so you get to see it live.

From the clip, you can see animals interacting with tourists

However, they have a professional tour guide.

But, the spot is free of wild animals .

That is how diverse parks and reserves are.

On top of that, you will see numerous animals and different bird species as well.

Hold up! I know you're probably thinking if that is safe.

Yes, that is very safe..as long as you will be inside the vehicle. 



For bookings and queries:
Call/WhatsApp: +254 722 917 288/ +254 720 868 954
Email: info@benciaafricaadventure.com

Ⓒ Mimo Muiruri
Marketing and Reservations
Bencia Africa Adventure and Safaris
Uganda House, 1st floor , room 19
Kenyatta Avenue


One of the purposes why people travel is for recreation and entertainment. ;like, for example,going into the wild and see the diversity of w...